From the desk of Leslie La Barre (Marketing Coordinator) and David Davies (SCI 2019 Region VI Conference Coordinator)
[DEADLINE Nov. 30]
The Society of Composers, Inc., Region VI (AR, KS, MO, NE, OK, TX) Conference will be held April 11-13 at Texas A&M University-Commerce in Commerce, TX hosted by Dr. David Davies. Along with the performance of works by SCI composers, we are also extending a call for Papers and Presentations by members of SCI who wish to share their research pertaining to compositional technique, pedagogy, contemporary trends, and analysis.
Please submit abstracts of 300 words or less as a PDF through New Music Engine. In the file, include any technology requirements. Paper sessions will last a total of 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions.
Individuals who have submitted scores in response to the earlier call may also submit for the paper presentation. Composers are limited to one paper submission each.
The deadline for submission is November 30th and applicants will be notified via email by January 15th. In order for us to be sure to meet our Conference program printing deadline, we ask that a submissions include a 150 word bio and print quality jpeg headshot.
For additional information you can contact Dr. David Davies at
Please upload your submission to New Music Engine.
Click to Apply!
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